Sunday, August 3, 2008

100 degrees and counting

I have successfully made it to NE...I drove here with my children Thurs/Friday. Dirk rode with the tour thru the end of the week.

It was incredibly hot all week long. I really do wonder if he is okay today. He posted some 560 miles in 6 days and yesterday topped it off with 95 degree heat.

We had a good weekend with friends (Dave & Alica Admiraal) who live in Lincoln NE. So Andrew, Emily and I stayed with them on Fri. night and met up with Dirk after he had logged in 75 miles. He looked practically delerious. I was quite worried for him. But we soaked him with water bottles and gave him a rousing cheer....sat him down in some air conditioning and made him eat something. He seemed to be better after that and then took off down the road to finish the day with Dave for the last 20. Dave kept a good eye on him and got him in.

Then I met the boys at the campsite in Fremont, NE. Dirk showed me the ropes, introduced me to all the relevant parties I needed to know, showed me how to set up the tent. I unpacked my gear and got my baskets together.

I have woefully overpacked ...oh well...I will undoubtedly offload some of my stuff as we go along. Security in objects is not always security.

Today, it is unbelievable hot...100 degrees and windy. Wow, I have never exprienced such heat.

The thought of cycling in this heat is daunting. But, the weather is predicted to shift tomorrow...and as we enter IA, it is hopeful that the temperatures will go down to the mid 80s.

However, with a shift in the weather comes a shift in the wind...just as we turn the corner to travel northward for some 160 miles the wind is predicted to shift from the south to from the north...

Oh well, so much for those prevailing winds.

My blog partner, who is sitting next to me...also named Dirk...tells me it is supposed to go down to 89 tomorrow. The opeartive phrase came forward out of our mouths..."oh, that's not so bad"

What! When you believe that 89 is not bad, something is wrong with you?!

So, I parted from my family in the heat of Lincoln after the morning service...It was a rousing service at a mission church that serves men and women who have left prison and are transitioning back into life on the outside of jail. It was incredible..their band was so good an their testimonies quite compelling. We witnessed 2 baptisms too.
They served us lunch and I said my goodbyes to my tearful children. Then we headed to Fremont on a school bus (a woefully long hot ride ...the driver obviously didn't opt for the shortest route).

So, then in the afternoon, I was thinking of a nap, but heard that the church adjacent (Good Shepherd Luthern) to the campsite here at the Y, invited us for refreshments. They have a dazzling new gymnasium and building that was funded by a gift of $1.7 million from a parisshoner. They were eager to show off their new space...little did they know that this little gesture would turn into a day long event...they invited us to sleep inside and at least 1/3 of the tour has now shifted inside the is a peaceful and wonderful space. I am hoping for a good night's sleep which I sorely need.

So, I am going to call my kids and see where they are...Dirk was headed home. I pray he makes it before 10 pm.
I have organized my stuff for the morning ride, hope to get off early and am appreciating the lovely air conditioning of this lovely place.

Another amazing gesture of kindness to invite all these strangers into your new and pretty home. I am

Right nextto our

1 comment:

JPDeWilde said...

You can do it! You can do it! Great is God's faithfulness. I'm praying that you sleep well and that tomorrow is a fabulous first day of biking! Have fun. Pam